Friday, April 11, 2008

Thing #19 -- Podcasts

My library has discussed creating a blog for our web site a couple of times, and we always bring up the same objection--content. Would we have enough content to make it worthwhile? We don't want it to end up a stale section of the our page that hardly changes. I think this goes double (at least) for podcasts, so I can't see us taking on any podcast projects anytime soon. (Which isn't to say it will never happen.)

In my personal life, I've found and listened to podcasts using iTunes--I really like iTunes U. I also knew that MPR had podcasts, but had never listened to any until doing this Thing. I added one to my feed list. It's getting pretty long by now! I also added a couple from NPR to my iTunes.

While I was working on this Thing I took a break to go through some mail. One item contained a notice about a new OCLC podcast and webinar series. I'll have to keep my eye (or is that ear?) on these.

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