Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thing #5 -- have fun with Flickr

Ok, so playing with some of these mashups is cool. (And a potential big time waster.) I tried several of them out. In addition to the ones below, some of the ones I looked at include splashr, Flickeur (kind of arty, kind of bizarre), and Tagnautica. I'm not exactly a visual learner, and Tagnautica's interface didn't work that well for me--I'd want to click on a new tag but the process of moving my mouse over to it made the whole wheel of tags spin around to a different spot from where I wanted.

As far as applying all of this to my library goes, I don't see many uses right off the bat, although Captioner has possibilities. I can see using it in posters or even tutorials. And as a sometime web and graphic designer for my library I should file the Palette Generator away in my professional toolbox. I might browse other 23 Things blogs to see what Flickr-related uses others are coming up with.

Here's spelling with Flickr. I tried to find letters whose colors wouldn't clash with my color scheme.:
2 3
T Pewter Ransom Font H I N Bead Letter G S

And here's a David Hockney-esque version of a picture from my iPhoto library (created using Big Huge Labs' Hockneyizer):

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