Monday, March 10, 2008

Thing #1 -- finally!

How scary is this? Almost 4 weeks later I'm finally getting around to finish the first of the 23 Things. At this rate I'm looking at an almost 2 year venture... In my case the culprit has been too many things on my plate rather than a lack of technological savvy or a failure to read the directions. Creating a blog was quite simple--the hardest thing was coming up with a name. But it was fun to try out different templates and play around with layouts and colors. The web designer in me enjoys stuff like that.

I hadn't worked with avatars before, preferring most of my public web personas to remain as anonymous as possible. I'm old enough to still want to keep as much privacy as I can. However, Thing #1 said to create an avatar, so I did. Again, a fairly simple task to accomplish, although I did need to decide how much of my "real self" to represent. In the end I decided to go with the spirit, if not the letter, of who I am.

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