Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thing #30 -- More with Delicious

I hadn't actually created a Delicious account back in Thing 11, so I started this Thing by doing that. The built-in security checkers made that a little frustrating, however. I have been using the same password for all the accounts I create as part of the Things--makes it easier to remember. But Delicious kept telling me it shared too many letters with my username. After several username/password combinations I finally had to admit defeat and choose a completely different one. Hope I remember it!

As a new Delicious user I haven't explored it much beyond bookmarking. I tried to standardize my tags (controlled vocabulary is a familiar concept to librarians) and found the batch renaming and tagging functions useful as I developed my taxonomy. There is now a tag roll on my blog's sidebar.

One of the things I did was go through all the email messages and notes I've been collecting of web sites that I want to look at and possibly include on subject guides I maintain. Adding these sites to Delicious will make this process easier. I can produce a list of possible sites by tagging them for particular guides. It would be nice to hook the sites I've chosen on Delicious to the guide web pages so they update automatically when I add or delete one. I tried the basic link roll functionality, but it didn't quite work the way I wanted it too. Guess I'll have to tinker with it some more later.

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